Anti-bite Field Guide


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Fact 5

Find Uninvited Guests

No one likes guests who show up uninvited and hungry. It’s important to check under the sink, in your closets, under furniture and in the laundry room—any place that’s dark and sometimes humid. And always keep Cutter® Insect Repellent ready at all times.

Fact 6

Cover All Appendages

In areas known for high volumes of mosquitoes—particularly those that may carry the Zika virus—it’s a good idea to take some additional common-sense precautions. This includes wearing clothing that covers your arms and legs. Remember, the less skin you expose to mosquitoes, the less skin they have to bite.

Fact 7

Apply Sunscreen Before Repellent

In areas known for high volumes of mosquitoes—particularly those that may carry the Zika virus—it’s a good idea to take some additional common-sense precautions. This includes wearing clothing that covers your arms and legs. Remember, the less skin you expose to mosquitoes, the less skin they have to bite.
Anti-bite Field Guide Fact 8

Fact 8

Careful with Children

When applying insect repellent to children, always spray it onto your hands first, and then apply to the child. Do not spray their face, hands, eyes, mouth or onto cut or irritated skin. Products containing oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or paramenthane-diol (PMD) should not be used on children under the age of three. And never use repellent on babies younger than two months old. Instead, cover their crib, stroller or baby carrier with mosquito netting.
Anti-bite Field Guide Fact 9

Fact 9

Treat Your Clothing

Another effective way to protect against mosquitoes is to treat your clothing, boots, socks and tents with permethrin. You can also buy clothing and gear that’s been pre-treated with permethrin. Both will continue to protect you after multiple washings.

Consult Your Physician

Consulting with your physician is highly recommended for women who are breastfeeding, pregnant or who may become pregnant. Parents should consult with their pediatrician regarding the safe and appropriate use of all products on children. And reading and adhering to label directions for the safe and effective use of all products is always extremely important.